
Our warehouses are strategically located, compliant with the latest technology and round-the-clock security. Our Services can be scaled and customized to customer’s needs, based on market conditions, demands, and delivery service requirements for their products and materials.

We can receive products from suppliers, warehouse the products, and then distribute them according to our customer’s requirements. Whatever industry sector you operate in, Citi Solutions provides dedicated and shared warehousing and distribution operations to ensure that you can deliver your service promise to all your customers


Moving products from manufacturing plants to warehouses, between national, and regional facilities, and to distributors, can represent more than half of your total logistics costs. Modes of distribution are mandatory for a smooth and successful supply chain. We offer transportation services that can be scaled and customized according to customer needs to be based on market conditions, demands, and delivery service requirements. Transportation management solutions give you the resources and visibility you need, at a cost you can manage.

  • Local and Upcountry distribution services
  • Undertaking product pick-up, warehousing, and distribution responsibilities
  • responsibilities Ensure safe & timely delivery of your products